9 FOODS which you should never eat to protect the teeth


Published by:Avi  Date-22 May 2023

Sugary Candies

Sugary Candies

Sticky or chewy candies might cause tooth decay.


Sugary Drinks

Sugary Drinks

Sugar and acids in soft drinks cause tooth decay and sensitivity.


Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits

Oranges and lemons are abundant in vitamin C but their acidity might erode dental enamel.


Sticky Dried Fruits

Sticky Dried Fruits

Raisins, prunes and dried apricots are high-sugar foods that may stick to teeth and cause cavities.


Starchy Foods

Starchy Foods

Potato chips, white bread and spaghetti break down into simple sugars in your tongue, causing dental rot.


Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated Drinks

Too much carbonation, even sparkling water may erode enamel.


Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea

Excessive drinking without good oral care may discolor teeth.




Alcoholic drinks may cause tooth decay and dry mouth, increasing the risk of cavities.




Chewing on ice may break teeth or destroy enamel over time.