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Drug resistant Ringworm:First US cases found in New York City according to CDC


The first instance drug resistant ringworm of Trichophyton indotineae ringworm that was resistant to treatment was discovered in the USA.
T.indotineae is an emerging fungal pathogen that has been linked to life-threatening skin infections.
The first cases of severe tinea or ringworm caused by Trichophyton indotineae were discovered by health authorities, as reported in case reports published in MMWR.

On February 28th, 2023, a local dermatologist informed New York City health officials about two patients with severe ringworm who did not improve with oral terbinafine treatment, raising concerns about T.indotineae.The first patient, a 28-year-old woman, had a systemic ailment in the summer of 2021. She had no history of contact with someone who had a similar rash, and she hadn’t recently been abroad. She was given oral terbinafine in January 2022 after being diagnosed with tinea in December 2021, but the drug did not help her condition after two weeks. According to the research, the rash was completely gone once patients switched from terbinafine to itraconazole.

The second individual, a 47-year-old female, was diagnosed with a widespread rash in Bangladesh during the summer of 2022. She was given a topical antifungal and steroid combination treatment. After returning to the US, she sought treatment at the ER three times in the fall of 2022, each time receiving a different cream: hydrocortisone 2.5% ointment and diphenhydramine the first time, clotrimazole cream the second, and terbinafine cream the third. In December, she began treatment with an oral course of terbinafine; nonetheless, her symptoms did not improve during this time. After receiving griseofulvin for 4 weeks, she showed an 80% improvement.

According to the MMWR report, itraconazole medication is being studied in light of the new findings of a probable T. indotineae infection.

Due to the initial patient’s lack of travel history, these instances bring to light the potential transmission of T. indotineae in the United States. T. indotineae may be misidentified as T. mentagrophytes by the culture-based identification methods employed by most clinical labs, despite the fact that each patient’s skin culture isolate has been previously identified as T. mentagrophytes and that therapy with oral itraconazole can be effective.


Trichophyton indotinae ringworm causes what symptoms?
Trichophyton indotinae, the fungus that causes ringworm, may produce a wide range of symptoms. Symptoms often include a red, scaly rash that could itch, blisters, or pus-filled lumps. If the sickness affects the scalp, hair loss is an uncommon but possible side effect.

How can one determine whether a patient has ringworm due to Trichophyton indotinae?
An inspection of the affected area and a fungal culture are often used to identify Trichophyton indotinae ringworm. In certain cases, a doctor may take a skin sample or conduct a biopsy to be sure.

Trichophyton indotinae-related ringworm: Q&A about treatment
Treatment for ringworm caused by Trichophyton indotinae often includes antifungal medications like terbinafine or itraconazole. Antifungal creams or ointments applied directly to the skin may be effective in treating mild infections.

How can you prevent getting ringworm from Trichophyton indotinae?
Good hygiene, staying away from infected people and animals, and keeping skin dry and clean are all effective ways to prevent ringworm, which is caused by the fungus Trichophyton indotinae. Towels, clothing, and personal grooming tools should be kept separate from one another.

Is it possible for animals to transmit Trichophyton indotinae, the fungus that causes ringworm, to humans?
Trichophyton indotinae, the fungus that causes ringworm, may jump from animal to human hosts. Fungal infections are often spread to humans through contact with domestic animals like dogs and cats.

How long does it take for ringworm caused by Trichophyton indotinae to go away?
Treatment for ringworm caused by Trichophyton indotinae may take anywhere from a few weeks to many months, depending on the severity of the condition. Some infections are mild and may be cured in a matter of weeks, while others might take months to fully recover from. It is essential to complete the full course of treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional to ensure the therapy is successful.

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