Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Excessive anxiety is a problem. Several reasons can create anxiety, but some behaviors can exacerbate it.

by  Abhishek Singh

Sep 20 2023

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

It sees everything in black and white. For instance, you may think a mistake means failure. This mindset can cause anxiety .

Binary Thinking


Yellow Star
Yellow Star

You reinforce the belief that things that make you uneasy are dangerous by avoiding them. This can worsen anxiety over time.



Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Constantly seeking acceptance or reassurance might increase anxiety. This is because it teaches you to depend on others for self-esteem.

Seeking reassurance


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Yellow Star

This entails considering the worst-case scenario. If you don't get a promotion, you may believe you'll be fired and lose your house. Anxiety can result from this thought.



Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Self-criticism may increase anxiety. You may doubt your abilities or fail. This type of interaction can reduce confidence and make anxiety management difficult.

Negative self-talk


Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Always attempting to satisfy people might cause tension. Because you're always anxious about what others think and whether you're meeting their expectations.

