By Abhishek Singh             Sep 16, 2023

People retain excess fat mostly in their bellies.These 10 workouts can help you lose belly fat fast:

Planking works your core, which reduces belly fat. Do a plank from a push-up with your forearms on the ground. Keep your body straight from head to heels for 30-60 seconds.



Sit with your knees bent and feet flat to conduct a Russian twist. Twist your torso while holding a medicine ball or weight plate in front of your chest.


2.Russian Twist

Try a mountain climber from a push-up with shoulder-width hands. Return to the beginning position and repeat with the second leg after raising one knee to your chest.


3.Mountain Climber

Stand up for a burpee. Squat and put your hands in front of you. Plank by jumping your feet back. Push-up, then hop back to squat. Stand up and jump, clapping overhead.



Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides to jump jack. Jump with your arms overhead and feet wide apart. Return to the start by jumping again.


5.Jumping Jack

Lay on your back with your legs bent and feet flat to crunch. Curl your upper body toward your knees with your hands behind your head. Wait a second, then lower.



Lay on your back with your legs extended to complete a leg lift. Raise your legs to perpendicular to the ground, then lower them.


7.Leg Raise

On your back, It is done with bent knees and flat feet. Curl shoulders toward knees, hands behind head. Curl up and twist to contact your left knee with right elbow.


8.Bicycle Crunches