How to keep yourself  safe and healthy from Lyme disease

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Published by:Avi  Date:11 May 2023

It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged  ticks.Typical symptoms include fever, fatigue,headche & skin rash called erythema migrain

What is Lyme disease?

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Opt for long sleeved shirts, pants and shocks to prevent tick bite when venturing into

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Use insect repellent on exposed skin & clothing

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After spending time outdoors do a thorough tick check on your entire body

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Mow your lawn & clear away tall grass & leaf litter to remove tick habitat around your home

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Use fine tipped twizzers to grasp the tick as close to skin surface & pull upward with steady pressure

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Use tick collars for your pets

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Shower within 2 hours of coming indoors to wash off any ticks that may have attached to your skin

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If you develop a rash or fever after a tick bite seek medical attention immediately.It can be treated with antibiotics.

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