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BE ALERT OTTAWA!Today you must wear N95 Masks

Published by:AVI I

Ottawa's citizens are frightened by the severe air quality conditions, which they describe as the worst they have experienced since 1996.

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Ottawa's citizens are frightened by the severe air quality conditions, which they describe as the worst they have experienced since 1996.

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There are health hazards from the poor air quality, especially for vulnerable groups including the elderly, small children, and people with chronic illnesses.

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People are being advised by health officials to use N95 masks, limit outside activities, and keep windows closed while the air conditioner is on.

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A specific air quality advisory has been issued in Ottawa as a result of forest fires in Quebec, Ontario, and other regions, which have added to the air pollution.

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Ottawa's air quality reached dangerous levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), surpassing that of certain heavily polluted areas.

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Fine particulate matter from the smoke can cause a number of health problems, including as headaches, eye discomfort, and lung disorders.

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Even in locations with generally cleaner air, individuals should take care and raise awareness, as demonstrated by the unparalleled air quality circumstances in Ottawa.