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Published by:Avi  Date-20 April 2023

What happens to you when you quit smoking?

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Your lung function will begin to improve within weeks of quitting smoking, making breathing easier and lowering your risk of respiratory infections.

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Quitting smoking can aid in the restoration of these senses, allowing you to fully appreciate the tastes of your favorite meals and beverages.

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Qutting smoking reduces chances of any form of cancer including lung and throat cancer.

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Quitting smoking can lower your chances of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases dramatically.

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Quitting smoking can improve your oral health and lower your chances of developing dental problems.

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Quitting smoking can help improve your skin health, making you seem younger and healthier.

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Smoking may be costly, and quitting can save you money in the long term.

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It can improve your relationships. Your loved ones may become more supportive, and you may even encourage others to quit smoking.